Monday, October 1, 2012

38 Weeks!

Umm....I am 38 weeks?!?!!?

Ok....letting that sink in....


ANYWAYS! On Friday the 28th we had another check-up! Everything was perfect! The day before I was having a lot of irregular contractions so I was CONVINCED I was at least a centimeter dilated....but much to our dismay....I wasn't. I wasn't even close. I was kind of disappointed because I honestly felt like with all these 'practice' contractions it was doing something. But nope. ALSO- Let me just say....checking to see if you are dilated is the most painful thing ever......oh my god. Being my first pregnancy I wasn't aware of how they actually check....but let me just say it is PAINFUL.....or it was for me.

The most shocking news of the appointment was finding out that our baby was estimating at a whopping 7-7.5 pounds. UM WHAT!?! Jeff & I were both small babies and never in my wildest dreams thought I would have a baby over 6.5 pounds. Hearing that she is AT LEAST 7 pounds at 38 weeks blew us away. Jeff & I apparently make big babies! It doesn't worry me in the least, if anything it makes me really happy because I know she will be healthy!

And on another happy note- my GBS test came back negative. WOO! One less thing to worry about in the delivery room! 

Towards the end of the week Jeff got sick..... booo. He's been working so hard in the yard lately (I think its his version of nesting), so I'm not surprised he caught a cold or the plague or something. So for a few days we spent "avoiding" each other so he wouldn't get me sick haha. Poor guy.

And I just noticed we have been slacking on the belly pics.....but trust me you are not missing much....just me HUGE! Apparently this week baby is the size of a pumpkin. Well yeah, kind of looks like I have a huge pumpkin under my shirt hahaha. It is also fitting that shes the size of a pumpkin for Fall...(even though it has yet to feel like Fall here)!

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