Monday, October 1, 2012

36 Weeks!

The highlight of this week was our 36 week check-up on September 13th. Baby is growing perfectly, I'm measuring right where I should be, I'm gaining weight right on track (, my blood-pressure is perfect and baby's heart-beat is still sounding great...and baby is head down!! We are in good shape! My Dr also estimated her to weigh about 5.5-6 pounds already....!!!! I also had my GBS test done, thankfully it was absolutely painless and a lot less intrusive then what I was expecting.

I was also 'pre-admitted' to the hospital. At 36 weeks they pre-admit you, meaning you just go and fill out a bunch of paperwork and make sure everything is in order for when you do go in labor. Who wants to fill out paperwork while they are in labor? Thought that was a nice touch that my hospital does...(surprisingly, ha!)

This was also the first appointment that Jeff missed, which is a small miracle in itself because of being in the Army and his insane schedule. But Jeff was in the field for training for two weeks but thankfully he had his phone and was reachable through a few texts. If something did happen like my water broke or I started going into labor I had different phone numbers to get ahold of Jeff if he was unreachable. They would've just radio'd out to him and sent a humvee to go get him. But thankfully, we didn't have to resort to that!

After my appointment I texted Jeff and updated him on everything and said they 'pre-admitted me.' Right away, I got a frantic text back, "right now...???? are you ok? why?" I guess I scared him hahaha. I responded, "Breathe, I'm ok, not in labor, they pre-admit everyone at 36 weeks." Text back from him, "Ok" ....I think he had a mini-heart attack in the field!

Lex took good care of me and "rubbed" my feet while Jeff was gone :)
I also found myself having a bit of energy part of the week so I was able to cook and freeze about 10 different meals. Glad to have knocked that off my to-do list!

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