Monday, October 1, 2012

37 Weeks!

Well baby girl is FULL-TERM! We made it!!! Its so crazy to say...that our baby is full-term and can literally come any day. Its a waiting game now! I've definitely been having much stronger Braxton-Hick contractions or "practice contractions," and they are terrible.

Wednesday the 26th we actually had our first 'false labor' scare. I was having irregular 'contractions' all day, and around 5pm they became really strong, and really painful. We decided to wait it out and not jump in the car just yet because they weren't regular. Sure enough, they subsided around 8pm.

But ok body, I am so done with all this practice, lets do the real thing!

Other then god-awful 'contractions,' I've been feeling ok....heartburn comes and goes and sleeping...well lack-there-of I'm getting used to. This week I've noticed my appetite has increased. During this entire pregnancy my appetite has remained the same, pre-pregnancy, it wasn't like I was "eating for two" it was just like I was eating normally. But lately I am always starving and eating a lot more frequent. Another fun thing is I am SO feet, my legs, my hands, and my face. Omg I hate having a fat face! But my hands are the worse. I wake up with my hands throbbing and I have to do a few exercises to relieve the pressure and get them working again. Opening a water bottle is so painful.

So happy to have Jeff home- he had 2 weeks of rubbing to make up for!
Lexi was so happy daddy was home!

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