Monday, October 1, 2012

33 Weeks!

My first full week of "maternity leave" pre-baby! I spent the week making a list of things I needed/wanted to get done before Emma arrives. It was also sooo nice to just relax, lay down when I wasn't feeling well, and nap when I was tired. Lexi was also really happy that I was now a stay-at-home-mommy :)

This week I also experienced a LOT of braxton-hick contractions. Basically they feel like awful period cramps. Also, for some reason I had a lot of issues keeping food down. TMI I know. But Emma was not feeling anything that wasn't simple and bland. I ate a lot of cereal and grilled cheese this week.

Also, to be honest, the past couple of weeks I've been really anti-social. I just have not been in the mood to be social. I am quite content relaxing and spending time by myself or Jeff. I'm not exactly sure why but I haven't been in the mood to 'chat it up.' I think most people who have been pregnant can relate and know exactly what I'm talking about. Its nothing personal, its not that I'm avoiding people, its just I have limited-to-no me the pregnant hermit!

Ouchy: Carpel tunnel. Legs and feet are so swollen. Braxton-Hicks.

Baby is size of ...a durian fruit? Not sure what that is, but it must be big! haha.

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