Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Blood Test

After the easy steps of getting pregnant, peeing on a stick, and telling Jeff...I was dreading the next step...the blood test.

I absolutely can not stand blood or put them together and it is one of my worst nightmares. Yes I'm a huge weenie, but the thought of it gives me anxiety, makes me light-headed, and on occasions I have been known to wake up on the floor. I knew that I was going to have to become 'friendly' with blood tests and needles because well that is part of being pregnant.

I think I was especially dreading this blood test because of how they do it in the Army hospital. Let me give you a mental picture, they have a tiny room where there is like 6 chairs, and they call you in whenever the next chair is open (yes, you have to watch everyone else in the room give blood too), tie up your arm, stick you, and then you're out, and then they call the next person. The people that work there always tend to be cranky, and don't really care that "you don't do well with needles." I need that soothing person that tells me that 'it will be ok.' Nope, these people just care about getting people in and out.

Well I am proud to say that I put my big girl pants on and gave blood with no incidents.

4 hours later....I got the was official...we were having a baby! 

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