Thursday, May 24, 2012

Girl or Boy?

 From the second I found out I was pregnant I had a very strong feeling that our baby was going to be a girl. Even before telling Jeff what I thought, his first reaction was "its a girl".....kind of cool we both got such a strong feeling, I think we both would be SHOCKED if they told us we were having a boy!

Lets break it down to why all fingers point towards GIRL!

1. AWFUL morning sickness. The old wives tale says you have awful morning sickness with girls, and not as bad with boys.

2. I'm wanting sweeter things such as juices, fruit snacks, etc. The old wives tale says that you crave/want sweet things with girls and salty things for boys.

3. According to the "Chinese Gender Predictor" it said Girl!

4. I prefer sleeping on my right side....The old wives tale says if you prefer sleeping on your right side...girl, and left side boy!

5. I've never had acne issues until now....I'm getting pimples...ew. But that points to a girl (they steal their mother's beauty!)

6. The baby's first heartbeat was tends to be a girl if the heartbeat is over 150...

7. We tried the ring on a string test and failed, I think we didn't know how to do it correctly? It didn't really swing to the side or a skip this old wives tale! HA.

8. Both our gut feelings...isn't that enough?!

All our friends are convinced its a boy. And by the way my belly is growing it kind of seems like I'm carrying a of now I'm growing out and not around, meaning so far I've only gained weight in my stomach.

Well I guess we will just have to wait and find out!

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